About me
Hi! I’m Robbert, associate senior lecturer (or assistant professor, in any case “biträdande lektor” in Swedish) in the Industrial Software Engineering group and the Automated Software language and Software engineering group at the department of Innovation, Design, and Engineering at Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden.
Me elsewhere
My current research area is in the industrial applications of continuous model-based development and the consequent challenges of consistency management across evolving models and other development artefacts, focusing in particular on informal diagrams and migrating them to flexible models.
Highlighted publications
- Robbert Jongeling. “Lightweight consistency checking for advancing continuous model-based development in industry.” PhD thesis (link)
- Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti, Jan Carlson. “From informal architecture diagrams to flexible blended models” 16th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2022). (publication) best paper award.
- Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi, Jan Carlson, Antonio Cicchetti. “Consistency management in industrial continuous model-based development settings: a reality check” Software and Systems Modelling (SoSyM 2022). (publication)
- Robbert Jongeling, Jan Carlson, Antonio Cicchetti. “Impediments to Introducing Continuous Integration for Model-Based Development in Industry.” Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2019). (preprint) best paper award.
- Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti, Jan Carlson. “Lightweight Consistency Checking for Agile Model-Based Development in Practice.” 15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2019). (preprint) best paper award applications track.
See the Research page for more details.
See the Hobbies page for some pictures.